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Updated 2 months ago

Webstudio Figma Plugin support

At a glance

The community members discuss the potential benefits of a plugin that could convert Figma designs to Webstudio, a tool similar to Webflow. The key points are:

- The plugin would enable quick scaffolding work and make Webstudio more appealing to less technically inclined users, potentially expanding the template market and creating a larger ecosystem.

- The community members suggest the plugin should have functionality similar to Framer or Plasmic, allowing for one-click conversion of Figma designs to Webstudio-compatible code.

- This would significantly reduce the time and effort required to recreate Figma designs in Webstudio, boosting productivity for designers and developers.

There is no explicitly marked answer in the comments.

  • Would be super helpful for quick scaffolding work.
  • Would increase appeal to people that are less technically inclined to pick up webstudio
  • Would potentially open up the template market more by lowering the barrier of entry, popularizing the tool more, and creating more of an ecosystem
What would the plugin do ? Convert figma templates to webstudio, a little like figma to webflow ?
it will be a nice way to bring more designers to Webstudio because they use Figma a lot, was is there a plugin to Figma to Webflow that we can Copy/Paste from Webflow maybe will work something similar for us
I would suggest functionality similar to what framer or plasmic is offering. converting a selection to code usable inside webstudio would be a great starting point
for the moment it's very tedius to re-create figma designs inside webstudio. Shaving off that time would reduce overhead and would bring webstudio much closer to framer from a competition POV.
I've been extensively testing solutions similar to webstudio these 2 past couple of weeks, and to me, the biggest detractors were how much time is spent doing the basic layout parts. having a plugin like this would be a super productivity booster for designers and devs. There's not that much value TBH in having the scaffolding done from scratch by hand (adding div by div etc)
I'm not able to say too much about other systems, as I don't use the Figma auto-layout as many others, but if there is a one-click implementation is good to get a super fast website ready.
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