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Updated 2 months ago

Webstudio: Honest Feedback on Production Readiness

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The post is about a community member's experience with Webstudio, a web development platform, and whether it is production-ready. The community members discuss their experiences, with some stating that Webstudio is production-grade and has powerful features, while others mention a learning curve and some buggy UI issues. One community member reports publishing problems and scrolling issues on certain browsers, which the Webstudio team acknowledges and plans to address. Overall, the community members provide mixed feedback, with some seeing Webstudio as a viable alternative to Webflow, while others are still evaluating its readiness for production use.

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I would love some honest feedback on whether Webstudio is production ready. Are any of you running an agency with it? I am on the pro plan and building my first site. I am proficient with Webflow. I have been watching Webstudio for the past year or so and I am impressed with what has been accomplished. but now with spending a few hours, I am surprised at some buggy UI things, some of the help requests I see in this thread, and just worried in general about switch from Webflow. I spent 45 min trying to figure out how to style HTML elements, like headings, withing the builder. Finally figured out you need to use custom code to do that. I don't see an option to clean up unused CSS.
Hey! I'm running Webstudio in production and I'm spending a lot of time in Webstudio. Yes, it’s 's not perfect but the team is working a lot to improve the builder everyday. I was in Webflow 2 years ago (and I trained a lot of people on that tool...).

What do you need to style your heading? How I can help you πŸ™‚
Hey, I appreciate your offer to help. With any new tool there is going to be a learning curve. I am fairly confident I will be able to build with Webstudio, and get used to some of the little things that seem off right now. I am even willing to file bug reports and help improve things. I just want to make sure I am not too early to this. I don't want to waste my time if this is mostly for hobbyists right now.
You've right! One year ago it was for hobbyst. Right now, I'm thinking is for pro!

You should try with a CMS and the binding, it’s 's really really powerful (I hate the Webflow CMS experience).

don't hesitate to check the roadmap:

Feel free to ask some help on the community. Everyone wants to become better on Webstudio and the core Team is really helpful.

But yes, we need more marketing to have more visibility (Webflow spend a lot of money on that) πŸ˜…
for sure you don't loose your time! And if you come from Webflow the learning curse is easy πŸ˜‰
I would love some honest feedback on whether Webstudio is production ready.
It's production-grade indeed.

I am surprised at some buggy UI things
What specifically did you find buggy?

Some of the help requests I see in this thread
May not be a good indicator πŸ™‚ There are users from all experience levels here.

trying to figure out how to style HTML elements, like headings
I use Tokens and apply my h2 token to every heading 2 for example. Of course you can also use custom CSS but that's not always ideal. I recall the team discussing too many drawbacks of global html element styles but I could be wrong.
Hey @John Siciliano I am recording video as I go so I can have a record of what I am running into. I will go into more details when I have more time. This site is time sensitive.
-- But case in point, right now I can't seem to publish. When I click publish it seems to attempt for about a minute. But when i go to the page, nothing has changed. Even adding new pages does not show up. Is there a server issue right now?
Here is what is showing up on the page
Video would help! Publishing takes about 45 seconds. A JavaScript application is getting built and deployed to 320 servers.

There aren't publishing issues. Can you share the builder link so I can see?
sorry, I know what going on.... hold on a sec....
So here's the deal. I am on Fedora Linux. I can't use webstudio with Chrome because for some reason the styles panel on the right will not scroll. Every now and then it will, but then it stops again. I can't figure out what makes it work and not work. But it's unusable. So I was using Vivaldi and running into an issue it has on linux. I guess I will try Edge or Brave next.
I am guessing this is specific to Chrome and Linux --- though I have not had issues with other websites, or Webflow.
Okay two things.

  1. in your screenshot there's a red icon meaning you're offline.. so changes aren't saving. This could be due to a local network issue or opening in multiple tabs
  1. Got it. I see someone reported this today here. I'm going to create an official issue and paste it back here so you can track it
@John Siciliano Thanks. Adding a bg colour for now is an easy work around.
That issue for scroling was reported about scrolling of the canvas when body doesn't have any background color defined and that apparently happens on windows chrome.

So this seems new, would love to see a video of that

the styles panel on the right will not scroll.
As a reference point would be great to see if it works fine on chrome on Linux.
Hi @Steve Suderman , Webstudio needs a bit of familiarisation. Once you've got that behind you, it's worth it. But you will know this from other tools as well. Especially when it comes to the CMS part, it really is a huge upgrade compared to Webflow. I myself also come from Webflow and now realise all customer projects in Webstudio, no longer in Webflow. The possibilities are greater, the results better.
Hi @Steve Suderman, I'm coming from WordPress and migrated my client's sites and mine to Webstudio. I love the flexibility of Webstudio, especially after the CMS launch (which is insanely powerful). I'm not going to lie, it was a big learning curve, but it was worth it. This platform has great potential, and I sincerely hope it is not abandoned.
Thanks for your thoughts @Luis and @paso_sb
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