Where to configure OpenAI key to make alpha AI features work?
Where to configure OpenAI key to make alpha AI features work?
At a glance
The community member is running a webstudio in a devcontainer and is trying to make the AI features work, but is getting an "Unknown Error: Invalid OpenAI API key" error. The comments suggest that the community member needs to configure an environment variable called OPENAI_KEY in the /apps/builder/.env.development file. Additionally, the community member may need to have their own OpenAI API key, which is a paid service, and may also need to configure a variable called OPENAI_ORG with their OpenAI organization ID and a PEXELS_API_KEY for the Pexels API.
I have webstudio running in devcontainer and I am trying to make the AI features work. I currently get Unknown Error: Invalid OpenAI API key when I try to use the feature. Which file do I edit to configure our key?
It also requires a variable called OPENAI_ORG with your Open AI orgnisation id and an API key for pexels (https://www.pexels.com/) called PEXELS_API_KEY