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Add links to "previous" and "next" posts in "Post" template (Ghost)?

At a glance

The community member is using Ghost to write and publish a blog and would like to display links to "previous" and "next" posts in the blog post view. They are aware of the Ghost API's utility helpers but don't know how to use them in Webstudio.

The comments suggest that this is not possible out-of-the-box, as there is no built-in functionality to fetch the previous and next posts based on the current post. The community members discuss alternative approaches, such as fetching all posts and determining the current post's position, or fetching the three newest posts excluding the current one. One community member provides sample code to fetch the next post based on the current post's publication date, but notes that this approach may not work in Webstudio due to resource dependencies.

Overall, the community members conclude that implementing the desired functionality would require custom code and that the current Webstudio capabilities may not support this use case.

Useful resources
I am using Ghost to write and publish a blog. In the blog post view, I'd like to display links to "previous" and "next," linking to first earlier and later published posts, respectively. Ideally, I'd be able to fetch more than just URLs, so that I can display more metadata in these link blocks β€” e.g. image and title.

I am aware Ghost API comes with Utility helpers but have no idea how to make them work in Webstudio. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
@John Siciliano has probably looked into it, would be a good idea to add that to the template in the marketplace
I just looked at the docs and I don't think this is possible.

There is no built in previous and next based on the current post so the next thing would be making a request to get all posts, determining where the current slug is in the list of all, and then getting the previous and next β€” but this would require custom code and once you go custom in the UI, you can't go back to the UI. Ie. you'd have to design those before and after links/posts using custom code
Oh wow, that's disappointing, but good to know. Thanks for looking into it, @John Siciliano πŸ™
Alternatively you can do "other posts" and make a request to get say the three newest ones exluding the current one. Or you can tag featured posts and get those but exluce the current one
asked gpt, it gave me this:
Plain Text
const apiUrl = '';
const apiKey = 'your-content-api-key';

async function getNextPost(currentPostId, currentPostDate) {
    const response = await fetch(`${apiUrl}?key=${apiKey}&filter=published_at:>${currentPostDate}&limit=1&order=published_at asc`);
    const data = await response.json();
    return data.posts[0]; // This will be the next post

// Example Usage
const nextPost = await getNextPost(currentPostId, currentPostDate);
console.log('Next Post:', nextPost);

basically fetch posts after the date of the current post, limit to 1, which will give you the next post
one can also specify the exact fields, to avoid fetching the entire next post:

Plain Text
    const response = await fetch(`${apiUrl}?key=${apiKey}&filter=published_at:>${currentPostDate}&fields=slug,url&limit=1&order=published_at asc`);
Thanks, Oleg! I'd done some research with Perplexity before posting here, and got a similar response. A huge issue for me is taking this information and implementing it in Webstudio, but this kinda gave me hope something could be done πŸ™‚
The only part that matters in the code what's in fetch which is eseentially the same thing as our URL field in resources
Plain Text
`${apiUrl}?key=${apiKey}&filter=published_at:>${currentPostDate}&limit=1&order=published_at asc`
Oh wait. Current date depends on the current post
Resources can't depend on eachother
So I don't think this will work
what's the url of the post, maybe there is a different filter that canbe used
like current post id
looks like you can't fetch next post using current post id or slug
that's unfortunate, this will indeed require a separate backend or us adding at some point a way to do sequencial requests and let them depend on each other
alternative could be adding a date to the url on each post and use that date to find next
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