What is alternating layouts?
Hey man! So for instance, I want bit of the collection appearing on the left and another appearing on the right
But when I have two different boxes within the collection, it repeats the first item in the array instead of alternating.
Sorry, it's kind of hard to explain
You can render two collections with same data and use "Show" on item instance to check some value
this way you can filter collection for left and for right columns
I think this screenshot shows the issue better
So even though Box1 and Box2 are different items in the collection, its still repeating the first item in the array
You want two Collection instances, not Collection with two children
One for left column and one for right
So like that? It's still giving the same issue
Ok, what do you want to see on the left and what on the right?
Ok. So you want one collection, display: flex and flex-wrap: wrap on collection parent, each item have 50% width and then somehow adapt layout of each
Or it could be display: grid; grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr; gap: 50px; on parent
Yeah, got it - I thought it can be done within the editor
Advanced panel can be used for grid
We don't have yet a dedicated ui for it though
Each item can be Image component
and object-position: center;
Yeah - Got it working π
Not too sure why the first gaps row - gap is so big though
That's another problem haha
You probably don't want to use grid-template-rows here
Btw you don't need html embed. You can write grid styles in Advanced panel
Ah yeah - it's easier to write out sometimes π
Sorry one more question and then i'll stop bothering you - sometimes with links they go to the same position on another page, is there a way to force it to go to the top?
Make sure you don't use "prevent scroll reset" prop on links
Hey Sorry Bogdan, Is prevent scroll reset a setting by default?
Strange, I've commented out all my extra code and it's still occuring
[Off-topic] Super smooth website you're building there @ciphr.99 π€©
Thank you! @Davor - The base is all finalised now, now its time for the fun part to animate π