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Updated 5 months ago

Content Management System Availability

At a glance
Why is CMS not available in the free version? It says it is available in the open-source version?!
Our free cloud is saas, open source version is development setup you can run locally.
Are there any downsides to using the open-source docker version for "pro" projects?
  1. It's always wip where we often break stuff
  2. It is tied to single machine caz hosting for now is complicated
  3. there is no publish to cloudflare
  1. Publish is possible only with cli
Okay, so the latest 1.10.0 version is not available as open source? Latest release is 0.175.0
where did you find 1.10.0?
Ah, this is not open soure either. Just a packages browser which runs cloud version without borders.
Versioning is not coupled with our release cycle. It always gets fresh one like in browser version.
Okay thanks, is it possible to move projects from the saas and the open-source version? For instance I buy PRO plan and export a website. Year later I need to make a small fix and instead of buy PRO subscription I use the open-source version and export again?
There is no support for import/export too yet. We will add it in the future. You can use only copy paste for now.
We def. will need import/export of the data rather sooner than later and we are not going to make this paid feature, so people can move freely between OSS and our cloud.

Its just a task we haven't done yet.
Import and export is also useful for local debugging and for offline work.
Great, awesome work btw πŸ™‚
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