I love what you guys are doing, especially with open sourcing the project.
What I think would add great value to your business would be professional stylish pre made templates for different types of websites. (Possibly designed by credible designers in the field)
Framer has a great library of templates designed by professional designers. I think that's super important for Framers reputation - it's powerful but can pretty easily also look good and trendy. It gives them more credibility. Sort of like Canva with Photoshop power.
However they lock you in their ecosystem. And thats where the Webstudio shines.
It could also be a great revenue stream for the company.
I used free tier to publish my website to Webstudio default domain. Now I would like to make it offline and remove it from live web. How does one do that! thanks ❤️
Hi guys, how can I embed lottie JSON file to my Webstudio projects? As far as I am aware I need to self host the JSON file somewere else? Not possible directly through webstudio? What is th best way to embed something like this: https://iconscout.com/lottie-animation/arrow-up-6899908
how do i prevent google from indexing my free webstudio site? I have a simple one page website and I don't want it to show up on google or google images!
What is the best way to add max width to our Webstudio project (body width?) I want the content of a web page to be centered and max width of, say 900px. What is Webstudio approved way of doing this?