The post indicates that the poster is familiar with global classes in Oxygen Builder or Cwicly Builder, and believes they won't be lost with the new system. Community members discuss that the new system is better in many ways, and that it's not exactly the same as the global classes. They explain that the new system allows for more flexibility in naming and composing "tokens" without specificity issues. When the poster asks about setting up global header and footer, community members explain that currently this is not possible, but it will be fixed in the future. They suggest using a "Slot" component to reuse header, footer, or other structures across multiple pages.
fact is you don't really need to think about them as something special, all you need to do is decide your naming strategy and compose the tokens however yo want, without any specificity issues
sorry i meant that for me, for my workflow, it is basically the same (i didn't mean to technically compare tokens to glbal class). I have another question: how do we set up global header and footer? i couldn't find the info on dcumentation
If by "global header and footer" you're referring to having the same components in those sections on multiple pages, then you can use a Slot component as the parent.
Ok, i was wondering if i had to define them in a kind of website template (as we do in WordPress) I'm not saying that the WordPress way is better, i'm just trying to understand how to work properly with webstudio, i want to be sure i do things the right way