When building layouts on the canvas, I often want to zoom in to see the area I'm working on better. This is especially relevant when I'm designing on the canvas.
Why it's a "problem"
- Currently in Webstudio, the scale of the canvas is set by the breakpoint you're viewing. The page width is sandwiched between the Navigator on the left and the style panel on the right. With smaller design details viewed on a larger-width breakpoint, it can be difficult to see what you're doing in that relatively small space.
- This feels like a problem because when designing in Figma and the Divhunt website builder ( you can zoom and pan on the canvas.
Current options to deal with this
- To scale up the canvas, you can currently undock the Navigator panel on the left to see a bit more screen real estate (higher scale). This does help a bit. But then you need to open and close the Layers panel to see the page structure. Also, I'd like more control over the scale.
- You could choose a smaller breakpoint to see better, but that affects the layout you're designing.
Maybe the canvas scale could be optionally
unlinked from the breakpoint you're viewing.
- Then you could set the scale/zoom independently.
- An independent scale/zoom would mean that possibly not all of the page width would be shown on the canvas. So the ability to pan around the canvas would also be needed.
- I realize that these features would mean making Webstudio more of a design tool like Figma.