The community members discuss the need for a better way to edit long CSS property values, especially nested calculations, in the Advanced panel. The current editing area is restricted, making it difficult to see and troubleshoot the full property value. The community members suggest a solution similar to Webstudio's "Edit Variables" dialog, which would provide more space and flexibility for editing these long property values. Some comments note that Webflow also does not support multiline input for these values, and that this could be an area where Webstudio could outclass other tools. A link to a related issue on the Webstudio GitHub repository is also provided.
As a user, I want to be able to see the entire CSS property value while editing long values (like nested calculations) in the Advanced panel.
Background: Currently, the editing area for property values in the Advanced panel is restricted to the relatively small panel width. For longer properties (especially nested calculations), you can't see much of the property at once, so it can get awkward trying to troubleshoot. You either need to scroll horizontally through the entry there (see video) or copy/paste from a text editor.
It would be great to have more room to edit those properties.
Solution suggestion: Maybe a dialog similar to Webstudio's "Edit Variables" dialog could allow more space to make editing easier. If there were fields for the CSS property and its value, with an expandable area for value, that could provide a lot of flexibility.