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Updated 6 months ago

webstudio experiencing issues right now?

At a glance

A community member encountered an error message while working in the Webstudio builder, stating "Fatal error. You don't have edit access to this project Synchronization has been paused." Other community members suggested this could be due to the user opening the project in multiple browsers, sharing a link, or having their login session expire. The issue was resolved by the user logging out and logging back in. Community members discussed the need for more informative error messages or session expiration warnings to help users understand what to do in such situations. While a small amount of work was lost, it was easily rebuilt.

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Is Webstudio experiencing issues right now? I've been working in the builder for a bit (without issue). Then this error message suddenly popped up about 5 minutes ago: "Fatal error. You don't have edit access to this project Synchronization has been paused."
this error means you opened your project in multiple browsers
or someone you shared link with
weird, because i haven't done that. haven't shared a link either.
ah no sorry, it means you lost access to the project
either you used a shared link that was deleted or you logged otu
maybe your login just expired
expired in the middle of working in the builder?
yeah that would be strange, maybe @Ivan Starkov knows something about.

We might be saving the session cookie and not updating it's lifetime if you are still using it
if you login, it works again?
that was it. i went to the dashboard and I was logged out.
logged in again and all is good.
weird, though that this happened while working
no its not weird, this is an extra feature to keep session alive if user is using that we probably just didn't implement
as a user, it's "weird" that i had been working in the builder and suddenly lost the sync (= changes not saved)
maybe a better error message would at least tell the user what to do when that happens (i.e., go to dashboard and log in again)
or better yet, give a warning when the user session is about to expire
"your session will expire in 10 minutes. please publish, then return to the dashboard to log in again"
ah yes, as a user it is weird
nah, it should be just refreshed automatically
but fwiw I doubtl you lost any data, because up until the moment it was saving, once it expired,it told you
anyway, it would be good to consider using a more informative error message (or session expire warning) that tells the user what to do when this happens.
otherwise, they'll wonder what they did wrong or think webstudio broke and run to discord πŸ˜€
did lose a little bit of work (maybe 1–2 minutes' worth) but was easy enough to rebuild
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