I have a question about this video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAaGTsHt-aE&t=1147sthere the speaker says that the page is not reloaded when submitting the form, but simply parameters are added to the URL and they can be used for filters on api queries.....
The idea is interesting, I decided to make something like sliders of testimonials and team members on the page.
But damn, testing, it may not be reloaded, but when the parameter appears, we fly off all pages... That is, if such a slider will be a few screens from the top of the page, we will fly up the page every time we flip.
Here's a test project.
https://launey-a378t.wstd.io/ru/instrtestIn the second block, clicking page 1 or page 2 - the page flies up.
I tried it in different browsers.
or should I add some parameter to the form to prevent this behaviour ?