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Offline, last seen 6 days ago
Joined December 13, 2024
Also, sorry if it's asking too many behind the scenes questions, but I'd like to know the roadmap for pricing as the platform develops? Where will it reach to? Ie. is this something that can end up becoming $100/mo for the Pro version? Would be a good insight to know
Hey everyone, I just caught the email regarding the Lifetime plan going in the near future. Does anyone know if this is a permanent decision?

I only ask as I am hoping to purchase that plan at some point in the coming months, but haven't committed enough time to Webstudio to make the jump yet, and can't commit to the price until I've done so
1 comment
Would be great if it's something that is brung back at certain points of the year with limited seats, I'm just about to start my first build on the site but won't have the experience to know if it's something I can commit to just yet