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Updated 6 days ago

Platform Pricing Roadmap

Also, sorry if it's asking too many behind the scenes questions, but I'd like to know the roadmap for pricing as the platform develops? Where will it reach to? Ie. is this something that can end up becoming $100/mo for the Pro version? Would be a good insight to know
@Ryan, this question has been asked many times here. You can search discord for answers. It's also on their pricing page under the FAQs.
Appreciate the response, I didn't think about checking! Appreciate the response!
The best part is that they cover this concern of people... if they "go rogue" you can self-host and not have to worry about those fees. It's a fail-safe to me; that's one of the big reasons I got interested in Webstudio and ended up buying a license. I think it's amazing they accounted for this and are transparent about it.
I suppose it's asking too much inside details, but I could care less if they raise the price to say $40/mo at any time in the future, it's more so if it reaches $100/mo+ you know?
I have no inside knowledge; I'm just a guy who likes the product and pays attention to their Discord. Having that price cap is a nice feature, and if your site is drawing that much traffic and you're getting charged more, switching to self-hosting is relatively simple. The LTD is well worth it if you plan on getting multiple sites up; the no-headaches were a big reason I got it.
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