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Updated 4 months ago

What's the future of pricing look like on Webstudio?

At a glance

The post expresses curiosity about the company leadership's plan, and the comments discuss the following: - The company aims to keep pricing sustainable and relatively stable in the long run, with team plans being more expensive. - A community member shared a link to a recent thread where Oleg, a company representative, commented on this. - The pricing is seen as realistic due to the use of Cloudflare and the small team size, unlike Webflow which is perceived as expensive. - A community member inquired about the possibility of split payments for the Pro Lifetime plan, as a single $999 transaction tends to flag their debit account. - There was a discussion comparing Webflow, a closed-source proprietary software, to Webstudio, an open-source platform, and how the open-source nature provides more flexibility for clients. - A community member expressed concerns about the potential for Webstudio to follow a similar trajectory as Webflow, where the product quality deteriorated after a venture capital injection, and urged the company to provide clarification. - The company representative warned a community member about the tone of their message, stating that it is not constructive and that they will be banned from the community if they continue with the same attitude.

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I have clients asking about this... curious what the plan is from the company leadership.
We'll do everything we can to keep the pricing the same. The pricing was made to be sustainable for the long run.
That's a link to a recent thread where Oleg was commenting on this
Lots of people ask this becuase webflow made it so expensive that our pricing looks unrealistic. Our pricing is realistic because of cloudflare and because of a small team.
Over time it can grow a bit, but not significantly. Goal is for it to stay more or less the same.
Team plans will be more expensive and will come with features like real-time collaboration etc.
What does the lifetime plan look like in relation to future upgrades with team functionality, etc.
Also I appreciate that
Ltd is pro plan, not team, also will go away jfyi
Thanks for your response WebStudio team πŸ™‚
Hi @Oleg Isonen, would it be possible to introduce split pay? I plan to buy the pro lifetime but $999 single transaction tends to flag my debit account
Hey can you try it first to see if there's an issue and we can go from there?
Oh it's actually on my bank's end, my account gets flagged if I make more than $800 in single transaction
I would try to sort that out with them, maybe temporarily raise the limit, or wouldn't they text you so you can approve or deny the transaction? Or lots of third parties do this where they cover the transaction and you pay them, like Klarna
I'll bet it'll be a bit like webflow circa 2013-17 when it was good. In 2017 that similar solution sold out and the product got worse. Literally multiple easily solved customer Wishlist requests got crickets and they started and then abandoned multiple features after VC cash injection, it's only got worse. Unless we get clarification from 'webstudio' then it'll be a similar customer experience in my opinion. Happy to stand corrected but I'm not holding my breath.
You're forgetting one thing in this equation.
Webflow = closed source proprietary software.
Webstudio = open source
It much easier to screw up closed source software when cash injections happens. Because it's closed source, clients are forced to play along with the software upgrades. There's only the options:
  1. play along
  2. stop using the software.
When open source companies screw up their cloud plan, clients have the choice:
  1. play along on the same cloud plan
  2. stop using the software.
  3. Move over to the previous open source version and host that on their own.
That's just something so essential that many people tend to forget when comparing a company like Webflow with Webstudio. Or Zapier with n8n. Or Airtable with Baserow.
Open source companies know that there's this 3rd option. As well as investors that invest in open source.
And because of that, there's much more consideration when increasing a price.

Hope it helps!

(and correct me if I'm wrong)
But isnt that something that has to be facilitated on your end ?

If you want to sell it more people would probably buy if there was this option for split payment.

See for example

A lot of money for that product, but it is what is keeping me in wpterritory. This and other stuff easily configurable is what i need for some other stuff ...
Oh noo the same attitude, the same type of message. We are all working to screw everyone. Seems like no matter what we explain to you, you still come around and post the same message. At this point I don't know if you are listening. It's the last time I want to read from you in that "mood" ... "They will screw you because that's what happened with webflow".

If I see this type of message again, I will ban you from the community, because this is not constructive, nor is it helping anyone.
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