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Updated 2 months ago

Github repo as CMS database

At a glance

The post discusses the possibility of using a GitHub repository as a CMS for a website, particularly for a marketing or blog website. Community members explore the benefits of this approach, such as avoiding vendor lock-in and the simplicity of using GitHub as a CMS. They also discuss alternative CMS options like Strapi, Directus, and Ghost, weighing the pros and cons of each. The community members agree that Ghost could be a good fit for a simple website or blog, and one community member mentions that they have recently moved the Webstudio blog to Ghost. There is no explicitly marked answer, but the discussion provides insights into the different CMS options and the considerations around using GitHub as a CMS.

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I saw the webflow copy-pasta announcement! The feature was really needed and I'm super excited for this. In the I saw the Markdown support.
Are the plans to add support for github repo as a CMS using DecapCMS by example?
The idea is to use Markdown Content Collections in the github as CMS database and manage this content via DecapCMS/SveltiaCMS/KeystaticCMS you name it.
By using github as CMS database the webstudio website is not dependent to the closed sourced CMS provider.
I guess github repo as CMS database is not the best solution for dynamic data, but for marketing/blog website it should be OK. Even more if use cloudflare cashe.
Maybe there are pitfalls that I'm not aware of...
Github repo as CMS database
I think there are two concepts youre going over.

  1. Not getting locked into a closed source CMS. You have this power now. Strapi, Directus, Ghost (blogging) and more can be used
  1. Using a CMS that provides markdown content. This is on the roadmap
Currently we support CMSs that deliver content in HTML but want to support other formats. If you are set on using markdown then there are workarounds outside the scope of what we support such as a custom Worker to tranform markdown to html or using n8n like shown here
Hey John
thank you for the quick response.
Yes, you are right, I don't want to be locked to closed source CMS and get rugpull at some price hike/bankruptcy. All these Contentful, Hygraph CMS are super easy to use, but I don't trust them to do not lower/kill free tier offering any time.

Strapi, Directus, Ghost and more are awesome, but they:
1: for small business marketing pages or simple blogs are just overkill
2: need to self-host or stick with subscription. (Personal favorite -Payload. Reasonable price what it offers and easy to self host)

From my point of view the Github as a CMS is perfect for small business websites, because
1: it's simple, there is nothing to hack or break.
2: No maintenance effort/cost. Just set-up and forget.
That's awesome, I didn't see this issue before. Can't wait for this feature!
agreed about github. Tina cms might be good once we add markdown support in content embed
Ghost is not overkill. quite the opposite
super straightforward blogging
I see, the workaround is the markdown to HTML conversion.
Thank you for the link. I'm going to look in to it.
I got the quick idea to use the Github Actions(or GitLab alternative) to automatically convert all markdown files to HTML after every git push, but will need to look in to it how it's approachable.
Yeah, after deeper look into it, I think you are right. Ghost could be a good for simple websites, I did write down Ghost because I thought the Ghost is more like all in one solution and it's hard to use it as a headless CMS. But looks like it's not the case, and in the worst case scenario I can selft host. Will look into it more.

Looks like I used to do Astro+Decap combo and was so exited for Webstudio+Decap combo ๐Ÿ™‚
we just moved webstudio's blog to ghost. I have it on my todo list to cover the "why" as i was impressed with many things
You got me ๐Ÿ™‚ now I'm really considering Ghost, started free trial to sniff around ๐Ÿ™‚
From what CMS did you moved? Notion?
custom pages for each blog post lol
this is a good strategy, don't overcomplicate things at the start. I always do this mistake
yeah ive over engineered quite a bit of stuff
Looking forward to learning about the move to Ghost!
Are you using Ghost Pro (paid)? Or self-hosted?
I was just looking at Ghost but it's at least $25/mo for the API access on Pro.
using pro so yeah we are paying that
@John Siciliano I'm curiousโ€”why Ghost vs. Hygraph for the Webstudio blog?
will cover this in the article. hygraph is great and almost used it. could have gone either way
Looking forward to the article!

Initially, I tried Notion for CMS, but it felt limited. Hygraph is mighty, yet probably an overkill just for a blog. Also, should you ever reach the limit of their free tier, it becomes very expensive, relatively speaking.

So the choice fell to WordPress or Ghost. I guess Ghost it shall be then! ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ‘Œ

Would be amazing to have a tutorial or template, or even just some quick tips โ€“ a YT short perhaps โ€“ showing how to set that up ๐Ÿ™
need to finish the article. other stuff took priority but will circle back to blogging shortly
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